Happy mothers day Mummy! I really love you and I want you to know that I will always be thankful to have you! This is a story that I wrote my Mum for mothers day...
Sun shining over the silky fine hair, layered with chocolate brown streaks, and a yellow blond undercoat. Hair flicking in all directions and a stretched side fringe swaying to one side, blending in with the whole look. A beautiful droopy necklace falls into perfect position, and her bright blue eyes set fire to her whole look- and that person, is my mother!
Shopping is Mum’s passion, She enjoys looking at all the new clothing in town. Mum is a kind and generous person, and shopping is a great way for me and her to spend time together. People are always commenting on my Mum’s fashion. Mum used to work at a clothing shop called Mainly Casual, in Thames. She helped people find the right suiting tops for other peoples shapes.
Mum adores all her kids, like they are gems. She says that she could never trade us in for anything - so that makes me feel special! She says that she has done her dash of having kids and now she just cuddles her friends babies and grandchildren. Mum always has her hand out to help any of us kids whether is a large or a small problem. Mum makes me feel warm and happy at home.
Mum is a great full time mother, She is always taking us to sports and making delicious dinners, If I didn’t have a mother I would have never learnt how to bake, She is always cleaning and cooking, and that is a huge help to my life, (If I didn’t have my mother here today, he house would be a mess)!
So dear Mum, I thank-you for being such a helpful mother, and that’s why I love you!