This term I want to achieve My blogging milestone, My oral presentation milestone and my be published milestone.
I'm going to update my blog weekly then book in for a conference with Mrs Hull and ask for my blogging milestone. This term I'm also doing a speech on why living in the country is better than living in the city, so I will get my oral presentation if I perform that in front of Marama. Also I have entered a lot of art/writing into the upstart magazine so I'm hoping to get published in the magazine, then achieve my be published milestone.
This term I would like to be brave enough to perform my speech in front of Marama, not just in front of my writing group, but first I have to get some good marks on it.
I would also like get ninety-five out of one hundred marks on my next basic facts test this term.
My last goal this term is to get in the top twelve for cross country.