Sunday, September 22, 2013


Today I achieved my blogging milestone, I had to check that my blog had two posts a week, that it had pictures/movies on it, and that it had to have weekly reflections on it! I also had to have some sort of feedback from family/Friends, so I got my Mum to take a look at my blog at tell me what she thought of it. Secondly I got my Digital Design Milestone because I made a 40 second ad about 'Spray on shoes' To get that Milestone I had to have made/create something digital and edit it using a computer! Also a couple of weeks ago I completed my Oral Presentation Milestone, because I shared my speech with my writing group, and that counts as a mini audience. Last term I achieved my perfuming arts Milestone by performing J-Rock! In total I have four Milestones and have five left to complete! My goals for next term are to achieve my 'Be Published' Milestone and my 'Careers Pathway' Milestone. The way I ma going to complete these two Milestones are by entering work/art into the Upstart Magazine, and to complete my Careers Pathway Milestone I am going to try get some sort of work experience down in the junior of school - (Because I want to be a teacher) I'm hoping to achieve my other Milestones too in my spare time in school.

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