Monday, May 27, 2013

Proud of my Maths

Over the past two weeks my Maths group have been learning about how to work out questions using a formula. At first I didn't know how to use a formula or how to create one so I went home and asked my Dad because he is really good with maths. Now I know how to use formulas and I think that they are a really fun way to work out maths equations. In the first worksheet we done I got all my questions right apart from one, and on the second worksheet - (Witch was a little harder) I got just over halve of them right! So far this is my favorite maths task I've done this year. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Zentangle art

Since the start of the term we have been doing Zentangle art with only sharpies. Zentangle art is a relaxing hobby where you can just sit down and draw patterns all over a piece of paper. It's different to drawing because you have to make it really really detailed. Lots of lines and lots of different patterns. We first had to practice on a little piece of paper then we went onto doing it on a big piece of colored paper.
These are my two Zentangles so far.
My practice 

My second practice
I'm onto a third Zentangle art and it's my name in block letters. I'm zentangling the inside of my block letters.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The first Holidays 2013

Over the holidays I invited Lucy to come to the movies with the rest of my family, and one of my brothers friends. We went to the Pukekohe Cinema three theater to watch The Croods in 3D! The Croods is about a young caveman teenager who hates living in a cave with the rest of her mad family. Shes always running away and hiding, and one night she sneaks out of the cave and follows the light from a fire. When she reaches the fire she realizes that there's a human camping out there and then the human called Guy tells her that the world that they are living in is going to end. Her over protective Dad doesn't believe her until a huge earth quake happens and their cave is crushed. The teenager is called Eep, and Eep and Guy end up liking each other. Eep's Dad decided that the family needed to move away from the area so they start to walk to a high mountain, and Eep convinces her Mum and Dad to let Guy come along, so that he can use his human skills to keep them safe along to journey. Thats when the adventure starts and eventually the caveman family finds a place really awesome to live!! The best part about watching this movie was that I got to watch it in 3D with a really cool friend! We got to have a drink, M&M's, Skittles and popcorn while we watched the movie! After the movie we went to Rebel Sport, and the Warehouse, and at the Warehouse I got Geelez, they are these stickers that you paint the you can stick them anywhere, and the best thing is you can re-stick them again.! At the moment my favorite movie is The Croods!

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