Weekly Reflections 2013

Term 4
Reflection week 8
This week I enjoyed pitching in and helping the year eight dinner organizers. I have also enjoyed Indian Inking my art this week! Next week I have to finish my Term Evaluations and Highlights and to complete this I have to work hard on a presentation and book it into my timetable.

Reflection week 7
This week I have enjoyed starting our new art - Pacific Patterns! I have also enjoyed playing the bin game in pool! Next week I need to work on my art because it is due on Friday! I also need to work on my terms Highlights and Evaluation.

Reflection week 6 
This week I enjoyed swimming! It was our first week swimming again, and it was perfect weather for a nice swim! I also enjoyed playing the fun Friday game! Next week I need to work on getting my 'Be Published' Milestone. And the way I'm going to achieve this Milestone is to keep sending my into Upstart and hope to get in!

Reflection week 5
This week I enjoyed Athletics! I got into the finals for most of my sprints but didn't end up getting through to Hauraki Plains. I also have been enjoyed my reading club novel, 'We all fall down' It's about the twin towers falling down! Next week I need to improve on making my Mi PLan more accurate. Instead of just planning it and not following it properly, I need to read it and FOLLOW it! My goal for next is to bring in my clothes in to film my year eight dinner video!

Reflection week 4
This week I really enjoyed having a go on the rowing machines and being thought how to properly row on the machines. I also really enjoyed languages this week because we got to play petanque in pairs and Zoe and I won! Next week I need to improve on spacing my learning out, Because towards Thursday I had no AWS, and no writing to do. My goals for next week are to do good in Athletics on Monday! And to hopefully get through to Hauraki Plains! Next week I'm looking forward to Athletics and our Fun Friday game again!

Reflection week 3
This week I enjoyed playing our new fun Friday game, Turbo Touch. I also really enjoyed Group Day! At Group Day I got two fourths, On for my leading, and the other for rearing! Next week I need to improve on completing my writing BEFORE my writing meeting day! I also need to make sure that my MDR is not only complete, But marked as well! My goals for next week are to finish my practice art! (Repetitive Patterns) And to also catch up on my reading club book, because it got lost!

Reflection week 2
This week I enjoyed playing the afternoon Friday game again! I also enjoyed Calf Club! This year I had a lamb and got 2nd in leading - Then reserve champion for it, and a Merit for Obstacle Course! Since its my last chance to do calf club, I'm going to compete in this years Group Day next week on Wednesday. Next week I am looking forward to Group Day and my groups art session! My goals for next week are to get a good ribbon in Leading and Rearing at Group Day! Wish me luck!

Reflection week 1
This week I have enjoyed being back at school to see my friends. I also enjoyed playing our fun Friday afternoon game! I'm proud of my practice sketch/Pastel for our new art - I think I blended quite well. Next week I need to work on keeping my Marama Spelling Sheet up to date.

Term 3
Reflection week 8
This week I enjoyed P.E because our groups changed so it's all boys in one group, and all girls in the other, That means I can be with my friends for P.E! I'm proud of myself because for P.E We have started practicing sprints for Athletics, and I almost came tie with Charlotte! My goals for next week are to finish and edit my writing that I want to enter for the writing comp, and have a finished, painted background print!

Reflection week 7
This week I enjoyed watching the American's Cup live on the projector at school! I also enjoyed Hauraki Sevens on Wednesday! I played netball and our team came fourth out of the whole tournament. I'm proud of finishing my MDR Everyday and marking it! Next week I want to try read all of my reading mileage book!

Reflection week 6
This week I most of all enjoyed the Fathers Day/Daffodil day! If we wanted to wear mufti, we had to bring a gold coin donation and you also had to wear something yellow. Latter on in the afternoon my Dad and Granddad came. We ordered lunch at school and got a American hot dog, then did a challenge. I need to work on getting higher score in my MDR, instead of getting 13-15 I need to be aiming for at least 18-20. To achieve this I will need to practice my BASIC FACTS!

Reflection week 5 
This week I enjoyed P.E, for P.E we played a game called Prisoner, It's a game were you use a ball to try score points. I also enjoyed practicing my speech this week, I know most of the start of my speech now almost off my hart. I need to work on doing my AWS, I finished it in time for my meeting but it was a little bit of a rush on Thursday after Tech, So I need to work on finishing it on Wednesdays.

Reflection week  4
This week I enjoyed Impact! We made lemon and apple muffins with a sprinkle of icing sugar on top. I also enjoyed Printing my polystyrene fish print. Both of my two prints had colorful backgrounds and  both retested properly. I also enjoyed not having to do cross country training! On Tuesday we found out who won the cross country training challenge, It was my group! Mrs Taaffe said we might watch a movie! So that was a highlight!

Reflection week 3
This week I really enjoyed pushing down the polystyrene for my ink print. I also really enjoyed MDR this week because I kept on top of it and had it marked in case I was called out for the cheek. Another this I enjoyed this week was cross country! We finally got to run cross country after having to wait a whole week.
I didn't enjoy AWS this week because I struggled on a few questions, but I will book in for a confrence next week to get a better understanding.

Reflection week 2
This week I enjoyed having all Friday afternoon to figure out what we were going to for our ad. (For the made awards.) This week was our last week to train for cross country, and I'm looking forward to cross country on Monday. I also enjoyed starting our new art topic, lino cutting.

Reflection week 1
This week I enjoyed starting our new art! Instead of Zentangling we have moved onto doing lino printing! Everyone had to take a 'Selfie' And the Teacher would print it our, I'm not up to the next part but we are going to sketch it onto paper for practice! I have also enjoyed drafting my speech, it's about Cadbury v Whitakers. This week I didn't enjoy not having a reading club book to read because it has to be shipped here, but I do still have my millage!!

Term 2
Reflection week 9
I completed my art this week! It's a flower that I zentangled and then painted the background with orange, yellow and red water paints.
Also I beat my high score for running around the domain! Instead of running four laps I ran five and a quater! I just kept kept on running at my own pace and ended up not having to stop for the whole fifteen minutes! My goal for next week is to try and get five and a half. Also I need to work on trying to complete my AWS sooner rather then latter. And I'm really looking forward to the holidays!!

P.M.Week 8
P-Positives: This week we started doing cross country training and the most laps I did was four and I'm hoping to improve that score next time. Also I have been working on my art this week, in my next reflection there will be a picture of my complete art.
M-Minuses: I haven't booked in for much conferences lately so that's my next steep for the up and coming two weeks. Also I need to start working on my highlights, evaluation and reading mileage presentation.

I'm really exited about cross country!!

P.M.I Week 7
P-Positives: I got to go to the disco! It was really fun because we got to play this jandle game, and we got to have a dance off as well slow dancing.... We had to slow dance for at least 10 seconds, I thought it was random but fun at the end... I also enjoyed doing the dance off because all the girls formed a conga line! Some pics below.
M-Minuses: When we went to Huntley this week it started to rain and it was a bit FREAZING! But other than that it was alright.

P.M.I Week 6
P-Positives: I really enjoyed doing J-Rock this week because we have finished the finally off competently, I also really enjoyed Impact this week because we trialed some more pancakes, except this time we added apple and mixed berries to the mixture. I liked the pancakes with the mixed berries the best. I also enjoyed AWS this week because I finished it by Tuesday and I didn't need any help with any of the questions.
M-Minuses: When we were making our pancakes we realized that we need to make two mixtures to get seven pancakes - And that's from two mixtures. So one the day that we sell them we will need to double to mixtures a couple of times.
I-Interesting: All of the J-Rock cast have to stay behind after school to five to perfect the dance. Can't wait till the night comes...

P.M.I.Week 5
P-Positives: This week we have been practicing J-Rock with the whole cast and working on the end ending most afternoons. Today we finely finished the whole dance but now all we need to do is work on tidying it up.
M-Minuses: Since we didn't come to school until Tuesday I had to catch up on a lot of MDR. Also I have to read the rest of my reading club book by Tuesday! :/
I-Interesting: Even though this week was a short week it still felt long and normal.

P.M.I Week 4
P-Positives: I enjoyed this week because in art I finished zentangling my name and now I have started on another piece that is a flower. I'm also going to zentangle the background of my flower.
M-Minuses: I haven't been able to start my Marama learning spaces task yet so thats what I will have to finish next week. Also in P.E I need to give it 100%.
I-Interesting: Next week is a short week - Only three days!

P.M.I Week 3
P-Positives: This week all the year seven and eights had the choice to go to National Young Leaders Day. I went along with my Mum and Dad where we got heaps of tips about what a great leader is. I enjoyed the day because I got to see some really cool famouse people to New Zealand like Erin Simpson, Dave Atkinson, Cam Calkoen, Dr Sharad Paul, Juliette Haigh, and a special end performance by Jamie Mcdell.
M-Minuses: I had to stay in at lunchtimes to finish off my AWS because my name was on the board. I have completed all of my uncompleted pages/questions.
I-Interesting: Today-(Friday) Fells like Monday because yesterday was NYLD, and thats mucked up my whole week!

P.M.I Week 2
P-Positives: This week I got to start and finish my big piece of zentangle art. Also I am completely up to date with my MDR/AWS. I enjoyed zentangling beacuse you can just sit down and draw whatever patterns you want.
M-Minuses: I haven't filled in my AWS student record sheet so I had to go back and redo all that.
I-Interesting-I can't wait till next week because it's National Young Leaders day on Thursday!

P.M.I Week 1
P-Positives: It was fun to get back to school again after a a two week holiday and Crafty Mothers Day was on Friday and my Mum came to it! I tough her how to do Zentangle art and I also went into my little brothers class were I made a flower saying how much I love my Mum. I also have enjoyed Zentangle art this week because I have learnt not to use an eraser.
M-Minuses: My laptop hasn't been charging properly and in maths I done a test and I got average instead of above. I need to work on my maths next week.
I-Interesting: This week was interesting because I have been late for class most lunchtimes because I've been at J-Rock practice! I can't wait till J-Rock!
This is my Zentangle art:

Term 1
P.M.I Week 12
P-Positives: This week I enjoyed doing my term 1 highlights and evaluation, Because I chose to turn it into a movie. (The movie's on my home page) I'm also proud of myself because I finished all of the term 1 set tasks! And on Thursday we found out that we are going to NYLD next term!!
M-Minuses: We have to wait till next term to go to NYLD, and I really want to go!! Also today I had to quickly finish a hole heap of AWS so that's not so good.
I-Interesting: A lot of people this week have been really tied this week including me. That's because this term is two weeks longer and usually at the end of the term people do get tired.

P.M.I Week 11
P-Positives: This week I got all my MDR completed by Tuesday so I didn't have to worry about it for the rest of the week. I also wrote a really good story about a lone robot, and I like it because I used a lot of extra words to make it sound good. This week was our first week of doing P.E, and we have to go into the hall and do lots of exercises, Its quite fun if you get into it.
M-Minuses: As much as I enjoyed P.E, on the second day I was quite soar because I haven't been that active. But on the up side it will help me with my netball.
I-Interesting: On Friday Mr Fraser came in to teach us and take Mrs Hulls place for the day. It was cool.

P.M.I Week 10
P-Positives: My writing about the lone robot is really cute. It's about a robot and his parents died, so he's alone. Also I'm proud of myself for catching up on my MDR. I was behind because of the Easter long weekend.
M-Minuses: I really need to start my book presentation for this term because it might take a while.
I-Interesting: Even though this week has been short, I've managed to keep on top of all my learning tasks.

P.M.I Week 9
P-Positives: This week I found out what netball team I got into, and this year I'm in a good team with my friends!! I'm in the Ngatea A squad witch means I'm one of the best netball players at Ngatea Primary, and I made it into Ngatea 2!! I'm proud of myself because I've cone up three teams in just one year. Also I'm proud of my writing this week because I wrote a story about a crea ture that couldn't find a home, but in the end he finds a place to live. And we also get to go home on Thursday and have Friday of because of Easter!!
M-Minuses: Since there was now school on Friday I should have finished my Friday test on Thursday so I didn't have to come back to school and have to catch up on MDR.
I-Interesting: It's really weird how we get five days off from school when Easters only one day! But I do like the lone five day weekend!!

P.M.I Week 8
P-Positives: I completed my pop art task this week. I sketched a picture of my friend, then got it blown up and then painted it different colors! I'm proud about about it because I stayed in the lines and kept it looking tidy. My finished product is at the bottom of this post.
M-Minuses: I have been behind in my writing so thats something that I need to focus on next week.
I-Interesting: This weeks been really fun. We have had to choice to make a voki, and my writing groups task it really run! You can see my voki on my home learning page.

P.M.I Week 7
P-Positives: Camp was the best! I done everything apart from the red swing at Action world. Also the rapids and mountain biking was really fun. My favorite evens that we did on camp were AC Baths and Rock climbing!
M-Minuses: I didn't even have a go at the red swing at Action world. Now I really wish I had have had a go.
I-Interesting: We were all meant to have lights out at nine, but lots of us were still up and quarter to ten!

P.M.I Week 6
P-Positives: Me and my J-Rock group performed our dance for our audition and it turned out to be really good. I didn't muck up on anything. Also camp is so close so I'm so excited.  And my Dad is coming!
M-Minuses: Since camp is just around the corner we were told our groups. This year I'm with some people that are cool but I'm not with any of my close friends.
I-Interesting: It's the last day for swimming today so hopefully it's a free swim.

P.M.I Week 5
P-Positives: I wrote a story about fly sea turtles and it's the best writing that I've done all year. My writing is on my writing page so you can read it if you want. The reason why it is so good is because it is really disruptive  and my punctuation is really good.
M-Minuses: At sowing I kinda mucked up my little juggling ball because I sowed it too far away from the edge on one, and it made it look unprofessional.
I-Interesting: I've managed to complete all my work even though I've been practicing my J-Rock dance.

P.M.I Week 4
P-Positives: I completed all my MDR. I was trying to do a day each day and did!
M-Minuses: I went home sick from school on Thursday and missed out on the rest of tech. I also have been unable to finish a lot of set tasks because I have been sick. I also wasn't able to take part in swimming sports.
I-Interesting: A lot of people are going home sick from school, so the question is where are we picking this bug up from?

P.M.I Week 3
P-Positives: I enjoyed tech because we got to make a movie and edit it. I was an actor. Our movie was about two bullies that walk into the library, one picks up a book and then the other bully want to read the same book so they start fighting over the book. One bully wins then the other goes over to a younger kid and steals a hat. The message is to stop bullying.
M-Minuses: This week we have had so much to finish on time so I've been in a rush!!
I-Interesting: I did end up completing all my set tasks to that is a bonus!!

P.M.I Week 2
P-Positives: This week I liked making my MDR cover for this year, And I also liked doing the activity 'This is me'. This is me is an activity were you have to write a poem about yourself and then take a picture to put in the background. At the bottom of this post I have put the a picture of my MDR cover.
M-Minus: Trying to finish work on time can be a little hard. Well usually I do most of it at home but on Tuesday we ran out of internet so I had to do it at school. 
I-Interesting: It's different being in one big class! Our three classes are brought into one big learning space! It's cool!

P.M.I Week 1

P-Positives: the best part about this week was making new friends, doing art again, and swimming!I also liked it how our three classes are joint as one so we can sit and work with friends from other classes.

M-Minuses: My best friend was sick today so that sucked. Also we have to do lengths in the pool!!

I-Interesting: It felt like I went down a year not up because all the younger kids came up! Also my art turned out to be heaps better that I imagined it! :)


  1. Week 4's reflection is great Hollie. Glad to hear you are getting all your maths done! If you really want to go to Hauraki Swimming sports come and see me tomorrow. Also, when you do your posts, can you please start a new post for each blog. It makes it easier for people to comment and then you can see exactly what they're commenting on.
    Thanks :)

  2. Hey Hollie this blog is so awesome like your photo's and your posts love it !!!!!!!!!

  3. Hi Mrs Taffee, I can't make new posts otherwise they go onto my home page, If I want to add a post onto a page I can only edit the page.

  4. Well done your in Ngatea 2!!!

  5. Yay, I'm in your team.

  6. Yeah!! Love the background it is so colourful!

  7. Glad to hear you are on top of all of your learning.

  8. Your weekly reflections look good Hollie. I'm not sure that a goal would be to bring in your year 8 video clothes for next year!!


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