Tuesday, June 4, 2013

NYLD - National Young Leaders Day

Last week on Thursday I went on a school trip to Auckland were we learnt what quality's a good leader needs. There were five speakers and my favorite speakers were, Cam Calkoen, Dave Atkinson and Erin Simpson!! The theme of the day was called heros. I enjoyed this day because I heard a really great inspiring story from Cam Calkoen. He has a disability but he said that he didn't let that stop him from doing anything, Cam has been and represented New Zealand in athletics, he also was scared about speaking live in front of people but now he speaks all over the world sharing his amazing story to people all ages. He says his favorite word is 'Awesome!' Cam said that being awesome is awesome. I also liked a guy called Dave because he was really funny and he talked about his life when he was younger. And my third favorite speaker was Erin Simpson, off the Erin Simpson show! She told us that if she wasn't a T.V presenter she would be a tattoo artist or an artist! Erin made me think about how much fun it would be to have your own show and now I sorta want to have my own show. I enjoyed National Young Leaders Day because it was fun, funny, inspiring, and I learnt a lot from it!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear that you enjoyed your day Hollie. Wish I could have gone!
    Also, I really enjoyed watching you play Netball on Saturday. You played really well.


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